Man eating an apple
My latest series at the Yahoo! Group (see sidebar) is a fairly old work and features fashions from the 70's such as the sort of trousers shown here. I stumbled across this picture just a few days ago. I don't know the vintage but it shows an exceedingly high waist line which accentuates this man's trim midsection. It's a style somewhat reminiscent of Navy trousers though this outfit puts me in mind of fairground workers for some reason. It's also a striking example of the ability of the humble shirt to showcase muscular arms which would look far less impressive in a topless shot.
Addendum Dec 2011: My readers have identified this model as Steeve Reeves, no less,
auditioning for 'Lil Abner. More at Born Again Redneck
Addendum Dec 2011: My readers have identified this model as Steeve Reeves, no less,
auditioning for 'Lil Abner. More at Born Again Redneck