Welcome to mitchmen gateway

Welcome to mitchmen.com, home of Mitchell's Gay Art.

This is my permanent gateway site.
I usually post here once a month, art and photos in praise of male beauty, strictly vanilla.
There's a link in the sidebar to a small public gallery of vanilla drawings by me (gallery last updated Feb 2019).
If you have problems with the link please read this notice.

You can find my more intense and frank work via my regular 'mitchmen' blog
(where I show my own pictures mixed with articles on other gay artists and images that excite me).

There's a 'Gallery Hub' tab at that blog which has onward links to:-
- All the official mitchmen galleries,
- The mitchmen mailing list (for the latest pictures and stories)
- The permanent mitchmen archive at Adonis Male.

I welcome comments from visitors but please avoid adult references,
I can't approve remarks which are not consistent with the vanilla format of this site
and unfortunately I can't edit your contributions!

Thank you for your interest and support.
Mitchell (Jan 2024).

Monday 18 November 2013

Muscular Beauty

Sergi Constance by Luis Rafael
It always amazes me how a bulky, muscular guy can have the most slender waist. Sergi Constance combines the chiselled angular facial features of a fashion model with the generously inflated muscle of the beefcake boy. With his spiked hair, designer stubble and daringly-placed tattoo he is a very model male, but the photographer fallen back on classic, traditional garb to accentuate his masculinity - zip-up leather (style) jacket and jeans with a chunky leather belt.

Friday 23 August 2013

The Archer

Kenya Shimizu - Tiger Tattoo

This picture makes an interesting comparison in style with my recent post on Okutsu.
A simple, male warrior figure set against a textured background and using a similar palette. The composition approach is quite different, slightly unbalanced, which gives a more dynamic feeling. Personally I prefer to see the body rather than the tattoo but the picture would be far less striking without it.

Thanks to Adonis Art for the image

Saturday 22 June 2013

Sporting Hero

Silencio - Do Sports

I don't share the current fascination for fantasy and magic, but I must admit it has given us some great art. This chunky athlete battling for survival against the undead is by Silencio. I particularly like his pugnacious, slightly puppy-fat face and rugby player build. 
See more at silencio-gga

Friday 7 June 2013

Drunken Sailor launches New Gallery at mitchmen

The Drunken Sailor

I have replaced the original gallery of my pictures with a new group, the link is in the sidebar.
I have also updated the gallery at my main blog with a new set (different from these).
Again the link is in the sidebar.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Marine Hero

"Koinoshiranami" by Naomichi Okutsu

This marvellous image reaches deep into all sorts of Japanese artistic and cultural traditions and yet is so modern and global in feel and appeal. A beautiful, refined invocation of masculinity.

Google tells me the title means 'whitecap of love',
but I suspect something went missing in that translation.

see more at Japanese Gay Art

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Wrap Up Well

Ryan Monroe

This model's big, big, bulked-up body is accentuated by these brilliant 'wrap around' briefs. The straight cut across the legs makes them resemble shorts which appear to have shrunk in the wash so they barely fit. The striking, lime green colour is an unexpected, flamboyant contrast to the serious, bearded face. Perhaps he'd be more comfortable in something less showy but I'm not complaining.

Picture by JimmyZ

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

It seems like every model produces a truly memorable picture at some point. An image that will be around for rather more than fifeen minutes. Everybody remembers the picture but the name of the model is soon forgotten - and as for the photographer, the true creator, well....

This is Joseph Odorisio, a man of striking appearance but my, what a difference that red vest makes! Wet, clinging and with an amazing texture. You hardly notice the racy trunks.

Sorry, don't know the photographer.

Thursday 31 January 2013

The Boy Within

Andre Coelho 

This moment of playful introspection is beautifully captured. It's like a memory of innocent boyhood exploration when the world was full of new wonders. The black and white toning amplifies this retrospective feel. It also helps to delineate beautifully the droplets of water cascading from the model's hands. They almost look like precious jewels scooped from a newly-opened pirate's treasure chest, boyish fantasies......

.....and yet the model with his muscular arms, artfully trimmed facial hair and partly unzipped jeans is very grown up indeed. You can almost see his dismay as the elusive treasures of youth slip though his fingers once again.

The image is beautifully constructed too. The broken streams of water open out in a pyramid shape as they fall, echoing the outer curves of the model's legs and his forearms. These curves lead the eye up towards the cupped hands like the shapely stem of a modernistic goblet, capturing the upwards scooping motion. Above the hands there's another family of curves, this time cup-like and including the models hairline, his chin, outer pecs and the hands themselves, all fitting inside each other like Russian dolls and conveying his intense focus on the contents of his scooping hands.

Accident, design or instinct?  Hay Torres is the photographer and deserves credit for a fascinating image.
See more here