Welcome to mitchmen gateway

Welcome to mitchmen.com, home of Mitchell's Gay Art.

This is my permanent gateway site.
I usually post here once a month, art and photos in praise of male beauty, strictly vanilla.
There's a link in the sidebar to a small public gallery of vanilla drawings by me (gallery last updated Feb 2019).
If you have problems with the link please read this notice.

You can find my more intense and frank work via my regular 'mitchmen' blog
(where I show my own pictures mixed with articles on other gay artists and images that excite me).

There's a 'Gallery Hub' tab at that blog which has onward links to:-
- All the official mitchmen galleries,
- The mitchmen mailing list (for the latest pictures and stories)
- The permanent mitchmen archive at Adonis Male.

I welcome comments from visitors but please avoid adult references,
I can't approve remarks which are not consistent with the vanilla format of this site
and unfortunately I can't edit your contributions!

Thank you for your interest and support.
Mitchell (Jan 2024).

Sunday 5 October 2014

Tasty Morsel

We all like a cheeky chappie and I certainly have a soft spot for this image.
The tilted cap and underwear perfectly complement the boyish bravado of the pose.
Notice how the underwear, camera and background are colour co-ordinated. The yellow office chair  seems to have had less thought. It produces some meaty thighs, however it seems an odd accessory, one can imagine the boss walking in any minute and finding his project manager with trousers round his ankles.
Actually this image is a compendium of modern vanities, the selfie itself of course - the clue is in the name! Plus we have a man who finds himself irresistibly tasty. Finally an example of the self-obsession of the media with a photographer who takes a picture of a man taking a picture of himself. I have to say though, I love the result.
I haven't identified the model or the photographer and would welcome illumination from my readers on this.